Tag Archives: success

Monday Motivation: Keep Moving Forward


On this Martin Luther King Day, I am reminded that every small step forward is vital. It’s easy to think that what you do in one moment is not significant; but moments become days, days become weeks, weeks become years, and years quickly become a lifetime. Every decision we make is one that can propel us toward a life full of positive productivity or we can easily waste it. Sometimes it is easy to go through the motions of going to our jobs, procrastinating as much as possible and then mentally checking out as soon as we clock out.

The leaders who inspire us, like Martin Luther King, Jr., are those who find ways to make a difference. They don’t take the easy way out. They take the hard, rocky path, because they know they are moving in the right direction. They go against social norms, leaving behind a legacy of both love and success.

So, whether you’re attempting to change the morals and ideals of a nation, or you are simply trying to become a successful entrepreneur; remember that every step counts. And if you can’t take a step, then crawl. The world needs your talents and your courage. Don’t give up, because you have chosen a more difficult path. Make every moment meaningful and then you will live a life full of purpose.


Monday Motivation: You Can Do It


This iconic quote is full of optimism and imagination just like Mr. Disney himself. Some might disparage these words, arguing that it leads one to believe that all dreams are possible. I would reply that those who dream are more likely to achieve their goals than those who do not.

Dreaming and doing can not live separately. Dreams are what inspire and propel one into the process of actualization. It is a rocket to the moon before the first steps on lunar soil. It is the hot air that fills a balloon before lifting it off the ground. It is the fragrant smell of coffee that draws one to drink a mugful.

Dreams can only be fulfilled by working hard. While dreaming is the inspiration, hard work is the less glamorous, nitty-gritty process that usually includes mistakes and failure. These only contribute to the journey of success. This middle ground of learning and discovery is actually where creativity and problem solving cultivate.

No, not every dream is possible, but it is more likely to come true if it is combined with hard work, discovery, learning, and patience. So start dreaming and start doing!


Monday Motivation: Don’t Watch the Clock



This is a guest post by fellow writer, Stephen Graves. You can follow him on twitter at @SGraves612.


We live life one day after another, similar to the way a clock ticks from one second to another. We’ve all heard that old chestnut about how a watched clock never tells time, right? Well, if you stare at a clock, you’ll get a snapshot of time, but you won’t get a sense of its progression. That’s a small but important distinction for this metaphor.

I worry on a daily basis, throughout the day even, that I’m not close enough to my goals. I fear that my writing isn’t good enough in terms of quality and volume. I wish I were reading more. My saving’s aren’t where I want them to be. I’m not as physically fit as I hope to be. I have close friends, but it would be nice to have more. You get the picture. One of the defining qualities of humanity, for better or worse, is our inability to be satisfied.

It’s because, at any given moment, we’re only looking at a snapshot of our lives. We’re watching the clock tick, and that’s why it doesn’t tell time.

I don’t keep a journal, but in moments of high stress, I’ve been known to jot my thoughts as a form of meditation and stress relief. One day, I was feeling down about seemingly going nowhere in life, and I happened to stumble upon one of these old stress entries. It was amazing to see how much better my life was, in every area, than it had been when I wrote the entry. I was so concerned with the ups and downs of the snapshot that I’d been missing the upward trending progression.

Even knowing this, I still stress about my goals. You probably will, too. That’s human nature. It’s not a bad thing in itself, but any time you feel especially bogged down in the tick-by-tick slog, pull back and look at just how much progress you’ve made. Don’t sweat those small concerns.


You’re probably much further along than you realize.


Monday Motivation: Just Try




“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”


This quote by Olympic medal-winning runner, Gail Devers, seems simple enough, but is actually profound. As a perfectionist, I sometimes feel paralyzed, fearing I’ll do something completely wrong or won’t finish a task perfectly. I quickly jump into worry-mode instead of simply taking the first step.

In order be successful, you must complete your work. Instead of letting fear of failure hinder your progress, just do your best. If you do fail, then you will learn how to do better next time. If you don’t try, you will be filled with regret.


Try, learn, and then you will succeed!


Monday Motivation: Make it Happen



“Some people want it to happen. Some wish it would happen. Others make it happen” -Michael Jordan


Wishing and doing are two completely different things. Wishing is wonderful; it allows one to use his imagination to start planning goals for the future. But if that person doesn’t take action, he will be forever waiting around for something to happen instead of trying to actually achieve his goals.

It’s easy to look at successful athletes, singers, and entrepreneurs and wish we were like them. They worked hard, took risks, and took full of advantage of every opportunity that was placed in front of them. We may see an extraordinary lady’s end game and think she just got lucky, but the truth is that she got where she is today by taking action, working hard, and not giving up until she saw her dreams manifested.


Remember that whatever you do today will shape your tomorrows, so get started and keep going until you achieve greatness. Make it happen!


Monday Motivation: Successful People Don’t Mind Others

Vintage motivational quote typography.


“Successful people never worry about what others are doing.”


Those who succeed create their own path. They stay on track by ignoring what other people are doing and where they are going. Of course they encourage and help those around them, but they understand that every person is on their own unique journey. They don’t listen to naysayers who discourage them by saying that what they are trying to achieve is impossible or unrealistic. They charge full speed ahead, only focusing on their own path ahead of them.

Successful people don’t worry about looking stupid or silly. They might be doing something no one has done before or creating something that didn’t exist before. They don’t care what others think of it (unless, of course, they are creating a product for customers). They are wholly driven by their passion and not by the approval of others. They work for their own applause and not the accolades of the masses.