It’s not about trying to change the world, it’s about trying to not be changed by it.”-LIGHTS
These words by the popular Canadian electropop artist ring true. First of all, when we think about wanting to change the world, we don’t think about ourselves. We think we have to cure world hunger and cancer, make every country peaceful, and get everyone on the planet employed. These ideas are good but lofty. It leaves us feeling overwhelmed that we can’t accomplish much as one person. It makes us want to give up before we’ve even started.
As we go about our daily lives, we are bombarded by pressures from our peers, from media, and from society as a whole. They tell us we should look a certain way, act a certain way, and hide what makes us unique. What this quote by Lights expresses is that we shouldn’t let other people change us. We shouldn’t try to fit into a mold created by those around us. God created us to be different. We came with a unique body and face, soul and heart, passions and dreams, goals and a purpose. We shouldn’t do things because we think they will make us cool, appreciated, popular, or successful. We should choose our words and actions based on what is right and what passions God has implanted within our hearts.
What we don’t understand most of the time is that if we are who we’re meant to be instead of being someone others’ want us to be, we will change the world. If we become who we are created to be, we encourage others to be their true self. Others’ opinions seem less important when you view a person shining their own light. They make the right decisions, care for other people, and don’t live solely for the crowd’s approval. Your appearance, popularity, and level of success will fade into the background when you see an individual with self-worth not dependent on any of those aspects. When you see someone loving themselves just the way they are, including their flaws, it gives you the courage to do the same. It inspires you to change the world by first loving yourself and then accepting others with all their imperfections. Change the way you view yourself and you will change the way you view other people. Be yourself and change the world.
(For more on Lights visit her website: music.iamlights.com)